Kabbalistic Magic
Always seeking Ascension
You are invited to participate in an event aimed at Well-being and Expansion of Consciousness!

You know that feeling of tightness in your chest?
Anguish, feeling emotionally disturbed, such as doubts about one's faith or fear of spiritual condemnation.
Excessive concern about sin or punishment, feeling constantly worried about the possibility of committing sins or suffering negative spiritual consequences.
Constant fixation: Feeling constantly focused on spiritual or religious thoughts, or even on possible mistakes that can be delusional, making it difficult to focus on other areas of life.
Intrusion of thoughts, with unwanted or intrusive ideas and sensations that interfere with the mind, often causing anxiety, sweating and tachycardia.
Social isolation, spiritual obsession can lead to social isolation, as the person may withdraw from friends and family who do not share the same beliefs or concerns.
Unwilling to carry out your daily tasks, difficulty even getting out of bed, with feelings of weakness.
Feelings that nothing can be resolved, everything is going wrong, it's better not to do it because it may or may not work.
These issues above are some examples of when we are negative, possibly with an obsessive condition in our energy field interfering in our lives, causing delays in studies and developments, causing turmoil in professional, romantic and family relationships.
It is at this moment where we have a wonderful tool called Kabbalistic Magic, where we have a set of symbols that are loaded with energy on the spiritual plane, enabling us to activate and open space for teams of light to act in our lives with more emphasis, they are evocative protocols related to physical elements, such as candles, where they make a direct connection between the physical and spiritual planes, thus facilitating a series of works to be carried out, cleaning, purifying and discharging all physical and spiritual evils.
Afterwards, the beings of light begin vitalizing the bodies of the people attended during the session, improving their mental and emotional bodies, enabling them to once again access the divine essence of those who receive the radiation, reaching the point of strengthening their health on the physical plane. , as it is directly affected, from the immaterial or energetic plane, that is, where everything begins.
In Magic, there is a direct relationship with Divine Laws, such as the Greater Law and Divine Justice, providing conditions for everyone who was suffering due to negative magical actions, to receive back everything they deserved and one day, it was taken away from them. through these negative procedures.
Therefore, take the opportunity to learn about this excellent procedure of light through Kabbalistic Magic where Anderson Luz opens space for everyone who seeks a harmonious, light and healthy life, the doors of prosperity open when everything bad is diluted from their lives.
We are open for registration for anyone who wants to participate in the service, online. An appointment is made after confirming the contribution.
Beforehand, Anderson Luz informs the care and preparations necessary for the participant to receive the best benefit on the scheduled day and time, such as specific baths, for example.
Magic does not change anyone, it does not alter their religion, it is a completely open event and free from dogmas and doctrines, it is a free act for anyone who wants to relate to the Divine.
As consciousness expands, a person may begin to realize that their previous understanding of the world was limited and restricted and that there are a multitude of possibilities and perspectives to explore. She may become more open to new ideas, perspectives, and experiences, and she may develop greater empathy and compassion for others and the world around her.
It is one of the most important works carried out by Anderson Luz, it has changed the lives of many people over the years in his care, removing illusions that prevented the ascension of each Being.
It is serious work and also requires your personal dedication, the day before you fast from red meat, alcoholic beverages, smoking in general and sexual relations, taking your field/system to a more subtle state, providing conditions for spiritual teams to carry out cleaning work necessary for your well-being. After the session, fast for 2 days, until your body/mind adapts to the new post-cleansing reality.
In the following days, it is your lifestyle that will dictate how your co-creations will manifest themselves, what level of energy you will experience in your daily life, the words, feelings, actions and places you frequent determine what your results will be, Because, given the energetic cleansing that will be carried out, your daily results will increasingly depend on you.
The session normally starts at 9pm and lasts 1 hour.
When necessary, a connection is made via the Zoom platform, the participant receives a link to access the day/time of the event.
Some of the benefits offered to those who receive it include:
Energy Cleansing: Kabbalistic magic is known for its energy cleansing practices, which aim to eliminate negative influences and purify the energy around a person or space. This purification is carried out through prayers, sacred symbols and specific invocations to the Divine Thrones.
These practices help dissolve energetic blockages, eliminate spiritual impurities and restore a healthy balance.
Harmonization of the chakras: Kabbalistic magic also works with the harmonization of the chakras, subtle energy centers in the human body. Through kabbalistic practices, such as visualizations, meditations and specific mantras, it is possible to balance and strengthen the chakras. This results in a feeling of general well-being, increased vitality and a greater connection with the divine.
Remove obstacles: Kabbalistic magic seeks to open paths for personal and spiritual growth. It focuses on overcoming obstacles that may be blocking progress in different areas of life. This may include financial difficulties, emotional blocks, relationship problems or any other challenges that impede progress, with the aim of removing these obstacles and creating opportunities for success and fulfillment.
Strengthen the relationship with the divine: Kabbalistic magic is a spiritual practice that aims to strengthen the relationship between the practitioner, the querent and the divine, whether called God, Source, Universe or any other denomination. It offers tools and techniques to cultivate an intimate and personal connection with the divine, allowing people to seek spiritual guidance, support and inspiration on their journey.
If you felt the call, take advantage of this great event, if you are aligned with this proposal, you will certainly feel the benefits of this great energetic expansion, based on the energy that sustains the Universe, the energy of Love.
Open for subscriptions!
Online event.
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Anderson Luz
Facilitador de Luz
Quantum Therapies and Expansion of Consciousness
Henrique - São Paulo/BR
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Amanda - São Paulo/BR
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Carolina - São Paulo/BR
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Norma - São Paulo/BR
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Marilia - São Paulo/BR
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Cristiane - São Paulo/BR
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more testimonials...
![]() Depoimento Gabriel Farias | ![]() Depoimento Flávia - SP |
![]() Depoimento Juliette - SP | ![]() Depoimento Paloma - SP |
![]() Depoimento Eliana - SP | ![]() Depoimento - SP |
![]() Depoimento - SP |
Anderson Luz in the media...
Anderson Luz is interviewed by Ivan Martins through the Paranormal Consciousness Channel in December 2023, he brings information about Universalist Spirituality and the techniques available to serve anyone seeking to expand consciousness and heal through its techniques.
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I'm glad you made it this far. I have invested two decades of my life in quantum studies, precisely for people like you who are here seeking improvements in life: health, relationships, career, and spirituality.
As I work with energy, there are no limits to achieving any goals in our lives. It's much more than a simple therapeutic session; it's about understanding where your life has paused, where it should go, or what may be interfering with your field, preventing you from achieving the best results.
Over the years, I studied with great renown in the spiritual and holistic area such as Wagner Borges, Rodrigo Romo, Vianna Stibal, Rubens Saraceni and Hélio Couto, becoming certified in techniques taught by them, today I serve people around the planet, freeing them of high density situations, or even carrying out healing sessions together with the light teams, Santa Esmeralda, Santa Amethyst, Aruanda, Arcturians, Sirians and other teams that work for Christ Consciousness.
Available techniques:
Kabbalistic Magic
Stellar Quantum Healing
Orisha Reiki
Access Bars
Access Facelift
Quantum Healing
Vision Healing

Anderson Luz, Founder of Espaço Facilitador de Luz - Quantum Therapies and Expansion of Consciousness
Lover of Spirituality and Universalist, he began his training in Information Technology working for 2 decades, at the same time he was receiving the call to enter this energetic and spiritual world, knowing and groping the existing religions until he felt that his path was open spirituality and, a one of the best ways he felt to act and bring Light to others is through Holistic Therapies, where we have the condition to unite consciousnesses of several egregores and different technologies, giving conditions to bring to others the best tools for Healing and Expansion of Consciousness today.